Nov 4, 2013

The signs and gesture of Novice Drivers

Gesture driver
How many of us using the signs and gestuers to communicate with the other motorists on road? How much we will succeed in this act??

In our world who ever owns a car, consider himself as a professional driver of the roads. A car not just means of transportation but a way of life. Here I'm gonna say about some special system of signs and gestures to help drivers to share the road  life more meaningful and safe.

Headlights and Turn Signals
Quick Double Beam Flash - The most common signal :) If you see oncoming cars "wink" to you, it means there is police checking is on your way. Sometimes in the same manner warn others on the road for accident, road blocks, slippery roads... in a single word - for alert the other motorists for a cause.

If you are driving at night, overtaking a moving vehicle with the bright beam. This is the SOS signal. It says to the oncoming vehicle to slow down or pull over to a side a little because it fears that it couldn't complete the maneuver.

One short flash (single main beam) from in front or side of your car in traffic means that you are allowed to drive. This is a very useful sign. 

Indicators and its use

Left Side indicator - If a vehicle puts its left indicator, its means to be a warning " Do not overtake me. In front of my vehicle has obstacle to overtake".

Right Side indicator - it means "you can overtake, the road is free"

This system is very much helpful if the vehicle in front of you is a huge vehicle probably, truck, trailer, big tanker or any like. The driver of the big vehicle sits much higher than the driver of a passenger car.

Double indicators (Hazard warning)- This signal is used when if were give an opportunity to overtake. Repeated use of the signal means - the driver in front of the vehicle wants you to keep your distance. Or in front of an obstacle, not visible to you.

HORN  - Often nervous drivers express their displeasure with a loud beep. First, it is against the rules of traffic and secondly, it's just rude.

Audio signal can be use only to prevent accidents.

Decent gestures

If the driver lifts his hand - he thanks you and welcomes, if crosses his arms - then plug in ront of you or an accident with big jam.

If anyone has not closed the door, or between the door and the body anything got stuck, you can draw the driver's attention, pointing at this door. Cotton hand in the air means that the car trunk (dickey) is opened.

If the driver shows with his hands is a flashing light bulbs, which means that it reminds you to turn on the lights. Gesture of a hand at the side of the rad indicates, his vehicle is faulty and he needs help.

To show the driver that he had a flat tire, describe a circle with a brush and set down.

To warn traffic police post, in addition to the light signal is a signal with his hand. His fingers hit on the shoulder.

If someone opened a fuel tank, you can prevent it by pointing his thumb down.

Finger to the eye suggests that the driver forgot to turn blinker (indicators).

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